Pastor Clint and Mary Sprague


Over $78,000 was raised for Mission Christmas

Partnered with local community organizations

  • Mission Southside

  • KC Dream Center

  • Hope House

  • Single Mom KC

  • Refuge KC

Decisions for Christ

166 people made life-changing decisions to follow Jesus


We celebrated 40 people as they made public declarations of their faith through water baptism.

Average Weekend Attendance

Something special happens when the body of Christ gathers. Last year, an average of 1,427 people joined us each weekend, in person, at one of our campuses.

Starting Point

238 people attended Starting Point

134 become members of LifeMission Church

Celebrate Recovery

45-50 people attend CR every week

25 people completed the CR Step Study

Life Groups

80 Life Groups

55 Sisterhood Tables for Women

9 Iron Groups

325 women at Girl Time

200 men at Real Men

Next Generation

We have a heart for the next generation because Jesus had a heart for the next generation.

264 checked into children’s ministry each week

75 students attend Squad 45 on average

150+ students attended Wednesday Youth Services on average

168 students attended Youth Camp


955 people on average viewed LifeMission services weekly on YouTube, Facebook, or www.lifemission.church

69 people attended Kairos Classes & Freedom Weekends