Kids Ministry available at all services.
Our Vision
Impact Kids to be Connected to God, Transformed by God's Love, and boldly share their Faith.
Available Kids Ministry Options
Early Childhood ( Birth - K)
Elementary (1st - 5th Grade)
On Site Staff
Connie Campbell
Available Kids Ministry Options
Early Childhood ( Birth - K)
Elementary (1st - 5th Grade)
Squad45 | DLT | Hero Squad
On Site Staff
Dalton Hiland | David Grabham
Carrie Cook | Alynn Schmidt
Jenn Hiland | Shelby Barron
Available Kids Ministry Options
Early Childhood ( Birth - K)
Elementary (1st - 5th Grade)
On Site Staff
Maggie Ham
Birth Thru Kindergarten
In our Early Childhood classes we provide fun, interactive opportunities to begin an understanding of who Jesus is. Our goal is to plant seeds of God’s love and truth into little ones as a foundation to grow a lifelong faith.
1st Grade Thru 5th Grade
Our vision is to Impact Kids to be Connected to God, Transformed by God's Love, and Boldly Share their Faith.
What to expect- We start our services with intentional time for kids to build relationships with each other and leaders. Then, we break into age and gender specific small groups where we talk about our Big Idea of the day, have an activity related to the Big Idea and read the Scriptures together. Then we come back together for student lead worship, an engaging message and a game that everyone gets to play.
Squad 45
Squad 45 is an event that happens every other month at our Olathe Campus Family Life Center that is specifically designed to help our 4th and 5th graders get connected to their peers. At Squad 45 we play interactive team games, share a meal, and talk about our faith to encourage our students that Jesus and fun are not mutually exclusive. Squad 45 Dates: March 28, May 30, July 18, September 26, November 21.
Family Fun Days
Family Fun Days are on Saturdays from 10-11:30am. The focus of these events is to build connection amongst families with kids of all ages.These events are different every time so we might meet at a park or have breakfast together or do some parent small groups but, we always send the need to know info ahead of time. Family Fun Day Dates: April 12th, October 11th
DLT (Discipleship-Leadership-Training) meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:00pm at the Family Life Center. DLT is a focused time for 3rd–5th graders to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible by memorizing scripture, studying the heroes of the Bible and practicing how to apply this knowledge to our lives. Our hope is that being intentional in studying and applying the scriptures will grow our 3rd–5th graders into leaders in their church, schools and homes.
(Available Only at Olathe Campus)
HERO Squad is the Special needs ministry at LifeMission
We currently serve students 5- 21. But praying for all ages. We are open Sundays at 9:00 and 11:00 services.
We are a modified version of the Elementary Auditorium. We do our best to follow the lessons and theme of the EA but change it up to meet the needs of the students in the program.
A child dedication is a ceremony in which parents make a commitment before the Lord to raise their child according to God’s Word and God’s ways (1 Samuel 1: 26–28). At LifeMission Church, dedicating a child is an important and special occasion as parents make a covenant with God in raising their children.
As a church we want to provide you with the best resources to help raise your kids. Whether it’s answering tough questions or just more information on relevant topics, we’ve got you covered. Just click on the link below for a list of resources recommended and approved by our team at LifeMission Church.
Dalton Hiland
LifeMission Kids Pastor
Email Dalton
David Grabham
Associate LifeMission Kids Pastor
Email David
Alynn Schmidt
LifeMission Kids Olathe Coordinator
Email Alynn
Jenn Hiland
Olathe Early Childhood Coordinator
Email Jenn
Maggie Ham
LifeMission Kids KCK Coordinator
Email Maggie
Shelby Barron
Olathe Early Childhood Coordinator
Email Shelby
Connie Campbell
LifeMission Kids Ottawa Coordinator
Email Connie
Carrie Cook
Special Needs Ministry Coordinator
Email Carrie
Our goal at Little Blessings is for your preschooler to leave our center ready to enter the world of formal education, and to know his or her value in the eyes of the Lord and their part in God’s big story.
Please contact Jenn Hiland with any questions.
Jenn Hiland
Little Blessings Director
Email Jenn