Devo for 11/10/2024 service- Message by Pastor Dalton Hiland
Pastor Dalton, the LifeMission Church kids pastor, brought a great perspective as he continued the series The Way That Leads to Life. His title, The Low Road, really sums up the heart behind serving, which was his main topic. Stephen, as shown in Acts 6, displayed this heart of a servant.
I also believe that being a servant is a leadership role. What do I mean? Let’s look at Matthew chapter 20, where talked to his disciples after John and James’s mother came to Jesus to ask him to seat her sons at his side in heaven:
But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:25-27
Jesus is telling His disciples that being a leader and a servant is mandatory if they are going to follow Him. The same applies to us; we are all called to be servant leaders. We lead by serving others.
Peter reiterates that we are to be servant leaders, and he adds that each of us has been given gifts from God that we are to use in serving others:
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10
In our role as servant leaders, we get to use our gifts to serve (minister) and lead by using the Word of God to influence other people's behaviors, development, or thinking. This can be done in a physical sense, such as serving at church or a ministry, helping a friend, rallying around family, etc. It can also be serving someone's spiritual needs through listening, comforting, encouraging, praying, or pointing them back to God. As men of God, we get to lead by serving (or ministering; they mean the same thing), which will bring blessing and reward as we walk in obedience to God’s calling!
I would encourage everyone to take some time and ask God to show you the gifts He has given you for serving. As you find your gifts, I believe your serve opportunities will become apparent.
I would also challenge you to step out in faith and begin serving at the Church if you are not already doing so (and if you already serve, ask Him if you are where He wants you). This weekend’s message talked a lot about serving in the kid’s ministry. That is very rewarding. If you are not yet in a place to serve with kids, start on the host team, coffee bar, or running a camera. Maybe volunteering to serve in one of our ministries. Just go for it and get in the game; the reward is great!
Don’t forget to invite God into your day!
Mark 10:45
Romans 12:10
Galations 5:13